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Dav Class 8 Computer Book Solutions pdf download | Computer All Chapter Question Answer |


Class 8

Subject – Computer

Notes :-

1. Each computer has its own keyboard, mouse, scanner and printer also called Peripheral devices.

2. Communication means to be able to convey, thoughts and ideas, and everything else that needs to be expressed or conveyed.

3. History of communication started with carrier pigeons, horseman and then letters and telegrams being used for sending messages.

4. A computer network is a collection of two or more computers connected together in order to communicate and share the data and information.

5. The connections between computers in a network are made using physical wires or cables.

6. Some connections are wireless, using radio waves or infrared signals.

7. A server is a central computer acts as the storage location for files and applications that are shared on the network.

8. A client is computers that receives and use data from servers.

9. NIC or Network Interface Card connects he computer to the special device called Switch, which in turn links all of the computers on the network together.

10. Each computer on a network must have NIC or Network Card.

11. A switch is used to connect multiple devices like Computer, printers, scanners etc. to be connected to each other in a network.

12. Modem is device known as Modulator – demodulator.

13. Modems are used for data transfer from one computer network to another computer network through telephone lines.

14. The Modulator converts information from digital mode to analog mode at the transmitting end and Demodulator converts the same from analog to digital at receiving end.

15. Router is used to tie or join multiple networks together.

16. A wired network is a network which used networking cables to connect devices (computers, printers, scanners etc.)

17. A wireless network refers to two or more computers without the use of cables to connect the computers together. It use wireless radio signals, microwave signals, satellites to send information from one device to the other.

18. The World’s first wireless computer communication network, known as ALOHAnet was created in Hawaii by a University Professor in 1971.

19. Infrared Waves are used for communication between devices that are not very far from each other such as in remote controls of your TV sets etc.

20. A co-axial cable consists of a central copper wire surrounded by an outer jacket.

21. An Optical Fibre Cable uses glass threads to transmit data, each of which is capable of transmitting messages in the form of light waves.

22. Infrared, Bluetooth, Radiolink, Microwave , Sattelite link are examples of Wireless Network Technology.

23. The world’s first wireless computer communication network known as ALOHAnet, was created in Hawaii.

24. Bluetooth is a wireless technology which uses radio frequencies to transmit information over short distances.

25. Infrared waves uses infrared light to communicate between two devices.

26. Radio waves are electromagnetic signals that are transmitted by an antenna.

27. Radio waves are Omni-directional waves i.e. they travel in all the directions from source.

28. LAN is a computer network covering a small area like a home, office or a group of buildings.

29. MAN is a computer network covering a large area like a campus, corporate office or a city.

30. WAN is a computer network covering a large geographical area which can spread throughout a country or a continent or even around the world.

31. Internet and ATM facility are the examples of WANs.

32. Telephone company network and cable TV network are the examples of MANs.

33. Internet is referred as Network of Networks or World Wide Web (WWW).

34. Website is a collection of text, images, sounds and videos.

35. Web pages can either be static or dynamic.

36. Every website has its own unique address called Uniform Resource Locator (URL).

37. HTML is used for creating websites. 

38. First page of every website is known as Home page.

39. A text editor is a word processing program that is used to type an edit an HTML program.

40. Notepad is a text editor.

41. A web browser is a software which is used to view websites .

42. A program is a collection of instructions that performs a specific task.

43. The first web browser was developed by Tim Berners-Lee in 1990.

44. Microsoft Frontpage and Adobe Dreamweaver are software that generates HTML code automatically.

45. HTML files are stored with .html / .htm extension.

46. <BR> tag is used to give line break in HTML.

1.Write the HTML commands for following task :

1. Set the title to "Hands on – Computer"

Ans, <Title> Hands on – Computer </Title>

2. Write a paragraph with justify alignment.

Ans. <p align=”justify”>…………………………………….. </p>

3. Change the background colour of webpage to pink and text color to blue.

Ans. <body bgcolor=”pink” text=”blue”>

4. Display “Annual examination – 2023” in Bold

Ans. <B> Annual examination – 2023 </B>

5. Display “Annual examination – 2023” in Italic

Ans. <I> Annual examination – 2023 </I>

6. Display “Annual examination – 2023” in Underline

Ans. <U> Annual examination – 2023 </U>

7. Display the text “DAV Public School, Kota” in heading Level 1 at center of page.

Ans. <H1 align=”center”> DAV Public School, Kota </H1>

8. Display the text “DAV Public School, Kota” in “Arial” Font

Ans. <Font Face="Arial"> DAV Public School, Kota </Font>

9. Display the Unordered list with 'square' bullet.

Ans. <UL type="Square">

10. Display the Paragraph in 'justify' alignment 

Ans. <P align="Justify"> This is the sample paragraph in right alignment. <P>

11. Apply Bold and Italics on the heading “3D Printing”

Ans. <B> <I> 3D Printing </B> </I>

12. Give the space between cells in a table

Ans. <table cellspacing=”5”>

2.Specify weather following statements are True or False.

1. Container Tag consists of a Start Tag only. False

2. Empty tag consists of a start tag and an end tag. False

3. Fiber Cable connection is the fastest type of internet connection. True

4. Infrared waves cannot penetrate walls. True

5. AM and FM Radio, television, cordless telephone are example of Bluetooth. False

6. <HR> tag is used to draw a vertical line between the block of text. False

7. A text editor is a word processing program that is used to type and edit an HTML program. True

8. <BR> tag is an empty tag. True

9. Cellpadding is the attribute of <Table> tag which is used to give space between cells. False

10. Lists cannot be created in HTML. False

3.Correct the errors in the given HTML code and rewrite the code (Underline the errors).



<title> My favourite Game <title>


<body bgcolour=”white” text=”blue”>

<H1> My favourite Game </H2>

<P> <B> Tennis /B series is my favourite game. It is a game of strength, concentration and power. </P>






<title> My favourite Game </title>


<body bgcolor=”white” font color=''blue''>

<H1> My favourite Game </H1>

<P> <B> Tennis < /B> series is my favourite game. It is a game of strength, concentration and power. 




Write the HTML code for following webpage :


List of Games 

A. Cricket

B. Tennis

C. Hockey

D. Choco Chips



<title> List of Books </Title>



<h1 align=”center”> List of Games </h1>

<ol type=”A”>

<li> Cricket

<li> Tennis

<li> Hockey





List of Games 

V Cricket

VI Tennis

VII Hockey



<title> List of Games </Title>



<h1 align=”center”> List of Games </h1>

<ol type=”A” start=”5”>

<li> Cricket

<li> Tennis

<li> Hockey






Dav Class 8 computer question answer chapter 1.

Dav Class 8 computer chapter 2 question answer. 

Dav Class 8 computer chapter 3 question answer. 

Dav Class 8 ICT/Computer chapter 4 question answer.

Dav Class 8 computer notes all chapter.

Dav Class 8 Chapter 1 to 8 question answer full chapter solution.

Dav Class 8 half yearly exam 2022-2023 computer question paper solution. 

Class 8 Dav CBSE computer book solution.

Dav Class 8 computer all chapters activity solution.

All chapter activity solution question answer Computer class 8 Dav All Branches.


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